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(adapted from material prepared by Mont. County Councilmember Kristin Mink)

How You Can Help


IF YOU SEE ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement):


If you think you see ICE or Customs & Border Patrol (CBP), get photo or video documentation if you feel safe doing so and call CASA’s tipline: 1-888-214-6016.


Rumors and misinformation drive fear and panic, and make legitimate threats harder to identify. They make our community less safe. Every law enforcement sighting is not ICE, and every ICE sighting is not a raid. Thus far, ICE activity in Montgomery County has been consistent with what was happening under Biden.


Our goal must be for residents to be able to make accurate assessments of the safety of going to school and work, running errands, living their lives.  


Instead of posting about possible sightings on social media, call the tipline right away so efforts can be made to verify if ICE was present, and if so, for what purpose.



















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You have the right to remain silent.

  • You DO NOT have to tell ICE your name, if you’re in Maryland (in some states, you do.)

  • You DO NOT have to answer any questions, show ID, or sign anything.

  • You have the right to REMAIN SILENT.

  • DO NOT lie to or give the officer fake or foreign documents. This can be used against you.

  • Ask, “Am I being arrested or detained?”

  •      If NO: Walk away slowly. Running may be used against you.

  •      If YES: Ask to speak to an attorney. Then remain silent. Don’t sign anything.  


Do not open your door.  

  • You do not have to open the door for ICE (or police) unless they have a valid warrant signed by a judge (not an “authorized immigration officer” or anything else) with the correct address.

  • If they ask you to open the door, ask them to slip a signed warrant under the door or through a cracked window, or to hold it against a window for you to photograph.


Make a safety plan.


WORK: If possible, talk to your employer about refusing to allow ICE access to non-public areas of your workplace (details below), and get all your coworkers to agree to remain silent if ICE comes to your job. ​If ICE comes, try to stay calm and do not run. This may be viewed as admission that you have something to hide. Remain silent.


FAMILY: Identify an emergency caretaker for your children.


DOCUMENTS: Give family or trusted friends copies of your important documents and your immigration “A” number, if you have one.


ATTORNEY: Consult with an immigration attorney BEFORE you encounter ICE. CASA can refer you to legal services: 301-431-4185


PHONE NUMBER: You have the right to make a phone call if arrested. Memorize at least one emergency phone number of your attorney, family member, or friend.


KNOW YOUR RISK. If you have been previously deported from the United States, or have been ordered deported by an immigration court, immigration can deport you much more quickly. Consult with a trusted immigration attorney to evaluate your immigration history.


If you are detained by ICE:

  • You have the right to remain silent.

  • DO NOT lie. Just assert your right to remain silent.

  • DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING until you speak with an attorney.


Businesses, houses of worship, nonprofits, etc.:

  • You have the right to bar ICE from private areas if agents do not have a valid warrant – signed by a judge (not anyone else) – that specifies they must be given access at that address. ​

  • DO NOT let them into private areas without a thorough review of their warrant.

  • Identify who is authorized to review warrants (ideally an attorney).

  • Empower staff to say, “That area is private. I’m not allowed to let anyone back there.”

  • Ensure staff know who to call for review if a warrant is presented. Put the plan in writing and train your staff.

  • Private areas may be staff only, areas where people receive private consultations, where shelter guests sleep, etc.

  • Post signs on doorways to make these areas clear. For example: “PRIVATE: STAFF ONLY” or “PRIVATE: CLOSED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.”

  • Ensure customers, clients, and staff know their rights. Know Your Rights flyers can go on doors, front desks, in bathrooms, etc.


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This information is for general informational purposes only. It is not legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice, please contact an attorney.

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