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Everyday is Earth Day
As an elected official, climate and environmental issues top my priority list. Every day I seek solutions—at both the systemic and...

2024 End of Session Summary
Each year in Annapolis brings unique challenges and opportunities. Coming into this session we knew we faced considerable hurdles: major...

Build Back Even Better
The stunning collapse of the Key Bridge reminds us of how deeply connected we all are. I’m heartbroken for the families and friends of...

Rubber Meet Road
Yesterday—“Crossover Day”—is the day when rubber truly meets the road every session. It’s the day when a bill must have been passed by...

Moving Forward
We are now halfway through the legislative session here in Annapolis. Several important bills are moving forward. I’m especially pleased...

I'm a Policy Wonk At Heart
My birthday is on Valentine's Day. This year I spent some of my day in a four-hour Economic Matters Committee meeting, part of which...

Showing Up
I am heartened when people show up. Whether people show up in response to a tragedy, show up to support a cause they believe in, or show...

Hear, Hear, Hearings Underway!
This year I will be introducing at least 15 bills to be considered during the General Assembly. One of the first steps in the approval...

And So It Begins!
It continues to be a tremendous honor to represent District 20 in the Maryland House of Delegates. Yesterday we began the 446th Session...

Preparing for the Holiday Season . . . and Session!
Wrapping presents with Rotary volunteers at Silver Spring United Methodist Church so all Community Bridges families have gifts this...

Lorig's Letter: December 2, 2023
Alternative Gift Fair I hope you can join me at the 25th Annual Alternative Gift Fair today, Saturday, December 2, from 12-4 pm in the...

Generosity, Giving, Gratitude
Thanksgiving Parade: Saturday, Nov. 18th from 9:00 a.m. to noon The annual Thanksgiving Parade in downtown Silver Spring promotes the...

Grieving and Protecting Our Community
It has been nearly two weeks since the devastating Hamas terrorist attacks on civilians in Israel and the beginning of war. Our hearts...

Lorig's Letter: Sept. 26, 2023
Lorig speaking out at the Southern States Energy Board Annual Meeting Dear Friend: Shutdown Unemployment Assistance Available Like many...

Walk and Talk? or Sit and Sip??
Join me for an informal “Walk and Talk” or “Sit and Sip” on Saturday, September 30th, at the MLK Park in White Oak. We will meet at 10:00...

Fighting Climate Change . . . in Hotel Ballrooms!
This summer some of the biggest efforts to fight climate change took place in conference centers and hotel ballrooms all across the...

Wildly Excited About Utility Networked Geothermal!
What did I do on my summer vacation? I went up to Massachusetts to learn more about some innovative projects bringing utility networked...

Time to Double Down (Again)
June has seemingly become the cruelest month when it comes to Supreme Court rulings. Along with so many of you, I am devastated by the...

Lorig's Letter to the Editor of The Baltimore Sun (6/26/23)
Maryland can meet climate goals and keep down utility rates In a recent commentary ("Utility regulator: Md. must consider cost to...

Saving Money, Saving the Planet
Dear Friend, We have some great energy policies and programs here in Maryland: some of the most progressive and innovative in the...
Lorig's Letters
The Latest from Lorig. . .
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