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Be Resolved.

Dear Friend,

Greetings in this new year:  promising to be full of both challenges and opportunities.  One of my favorite parts of being an elected official is meeting people who are making a positive difference—in ways both large and small—in our world. 

What can you resolve to do to make our world a better place in 2025?

Here is just a small sample of the many people in our community doing exactly that:

Small Things Matter fighting food insecurity in Takoma Park.

Action in Montgomery and other faith groups organizing for more climate justice and housing.

Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA) advocating for safer streets.

Ni Balogun, owner of Dodo Farms, selling his produce at the Silver Spring Farmers Market.

Community members dedicating a bench on Sligo Creek Parkway honoring people, including Robert White, who died by police violence.

Some of the volunteers who are creating and maintaining the Montgomery College Food Forest.

Students considering an apprenticeship program sponsored by Plumbing Local 5 union.

Rainbow Community Development Center distributing food for Community Bridges families in White Oak.

May we all resolve to do what we can to make our world

more just and inclusive! 

Stay in Touch: Need help with a state issue? Please contact my office at or leave us a message at (410)-841-3423.


Lorig Charkoudian


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