As an elected official, climate and environmental issues top my priority list. Every day I seek solutions—at both the systemic and individual level—for a livable world that is more just and inclusive.
Focus: Increasing Energy Justice by Reducing Energy Burdens
My legislative and daily work strives to put the pieces in place to build a just energy system. The goal is to provide affordable, clean energy to everyone, while also creating energy jobs that build up the middle class.
Lowering our “energy burdens” is a big piece of this puzzle.
A family’s “energy burden” is defined as what portion of their income is spent on their home energy utility bills—electricity, gas, propane or oil. Do you remember reading that people should not have to pay more than a third of their income on “shelter” expenses? Of that, our “energy burden” shouldn’t be over 6% of income in order for a family to be able to afford their other monthly bills.
Some are fortunate enough to rarely think about Pepco and Washington Gas bills. Yet for many in our community, monthly utility bills and the resulting energy burdens are too high, much more than their budgets can handle. Our neighbors are having to decide which bills to pay—electric? food? medicine?—and which ones they can’t.
Additionally, while everyone should be doing what they can to lower their energy use by installing more energy-efficient appliances and weatherizing their homes, these options are often financially out of reach for many low-income households.
If you want to learn more, I found this report interesting explaining the energy burden landscape in Maryland.
My Energy Justice Record
Since I was elected 6 years ago, I have been working to ensure that every family in Maryland can afford to pay their energy bills.
On a systemic, big-picture level, in Annapolis I have:
fought for jobs that provide a living wage so we have fewer low-income people in the first place;
sought to bring greater transparency and accountability of our publicly-regulated utilities in an effort to protect ratepayers and ensure our climate goals are met;
required state agencies to streamline the application process for all safety net services—including energy assistance;
passed legislation to coordinate and consolidate a range of federal and state funding for energy efficiency and electrification for low income households to decrease their energy use, while also improving indoor air quality and comfort;
advocated for renters, whose energy burden is felt through higher rents, to receive direct energy assistance. My recent legislation ensures landlords provide the necessary information to renters to access these funds; and
been appointed to a working group with the Department of Human Services to improve the energy assistance programs.
In District 20, I have:
hosted, since 2021, three Power in the Park outreach fairs to let people know how to save on energy costs. We bring in agencies and groups to help residents learn what’s available while having a fun time. I have also developed materials so this model can be replicated by other legislators throughout Maryland; and
helped people who are having difficulty paying their energy bills receive aid. You’ll find real-world resources and support on my website. As always, my staff and I are happy to help.

Next Power in the Park: May 30th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Come and learn about clean energy, utility bill assistance, saving energy, and healthy housing. Free food! Giveaways! Face Painting! Join us at the New Hampshire Estates Neighborhood Park at 8825 Piney Branch Road.
Can Offshore Wind Power Maryland To Its Ambitious Clean Energy Goals?
I believe so wholeheartedly! Hear me discuss the current state of Maryland’s offshore wind projects on Baltimore’s WYPR (my interview begins at 16:00).

Takoma Foundation Beerfest: Saturday, May 4th
This fundraiser for the Takoma Foundation features locally crafted beer, non-alcoholic drinks, and other tasty treats. “Beerfest" is on Saturday, May 4th (3-7 pm) at VFW Post #350, 6420 Orchard Ave, Takoma Park. Tickets are $50 in advance, $60 at the door. Purchase tickets at www.takomafoundation.org/event/beerfest.
Vote Is A Verb: Democratic Primary is Tuesday, May 14th
Make a plan to vote! Your options include mailing your ballot, early voting, or voting on election day itself. I have lots of voting information on my website.
Let’s make sure Maryland Democrats have a strong showing–in the primary and again in November!
Stay in Touch: Need help with a state issue? Please contact my office at lorig.charkoudian@house.state.md.us or leave us a message at (410)-841-3423.