Thanksgiving Parade: Saturday, Nov. 18th from 9:00 a.m. to noon The annual Thanksgiving Parade in downtown Silver Spring promotes the vibrancy and diversity of our community. You can be a part of it by marching with the D20 Team (Senator Will Smith and Delegates Moon, Wilkins, and me).
Team Charkoudian is specifically looking for folks to march in costume to highlight some of my legislative priorities. Yes! You can dress up as a carrot to promote local produce, be a wind turbine to celebrate offshore wind, or pass out vegan lollipops. Sign up here to join in the fun.

Emily Ackerman Recognized for a Lifetime of Service to the Democratic Party Emily Ackerman received a “Lifetime Service Award” at the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee’s Fall Gala. A stalwart and indefatigable volunteer for Democratic causes for decades, she has also served as a precinct official here in D20 for over 50 years. In accepting the award, Emily shared insights from her years of service and stated, “The success of the Democratic Party and its elected officials is built upon the work of volunteers.”
We Need More Emilys! Become a Precinct Official! Precinct officials, like Emily, are the volunteer grassroot organizers of the Democratic Party. A precinct covers all the households who vote at your local polling place. Precinct officials register and welcome new voters, educate residents about candidates and issues during primary and general elections, distribute Democratic Party materials at their polling place, and more.
The Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee is revitalizing the precinct organization in advance of the 2024 election. More information about who precinct officials are and how YOU might become one can be found here.

D20 Breakfast Club: Sunday, Nov. 12th at 11:00 a.m. Get the inside scoop on Montgomery County issues. The next meeting of the Sheila Hixson Breakfast Club will feature guest speakers County Executive Marc Elrich and Councilmembers Kristin Mink and Kate Stewart. The Club meets at El Golfo, 8739 Flower Avenue, Silver Spring, and enjoys a sumptuous breakfast buffet for $18 (plus tips) before hearing from the speakers. You are welcome to join even if you opt not to eat.
2024 General Assembly Legislative Preview (continued) I have been spotlighting some of the legislation I plan to introduce in the next legislative session. In January, you will find a complete list of all my legislation (with bill numbers and fact sheets) on my website.
Watch for these bills:
•Prevailing Wage for Utility Work: This bill requires all work done on utilities–whether above or below ground–to be done by contractors paying prevailing wages and benefits. Let’s make sure green energy jobs are good-paying jobs!
•Energy Assistance for Renters: For many low-income renters, utilities are included as part of their overall rent. Three years ago, I worked with the Department of Human Services to allow these individuals to receive energy assistance through the Electricity Universal Service Program (EUSP). These EUSP funds, combined with Maryland Energy Assistance Program funds, can pay a significant amount of the utility portion of a person’s rent. However, not all landlords are willing to participate in the program. This bill would require landlords to accept these funds and credit them appropriately, giving renters a much-needed discount on rent.

Door-to-Door Canvassing in Virginia This past weekend a group of dedicated volunteers from Silver Spring and Takoma Park joined me canvassing door-to-door for Democratic candidate Travis Nembhard in a tight race for the Virginia House of Delegates. Our efforts were not quite enough in this particular race but it appears that the Democrats did overall well enough in Virginia to be able to stop Gov. Younkin's extremist agenda.
Power in the Park: White Oak I recently hosted a Power in the Park event at White Oak Gardens. In a fair-like setting, we connected neighbors to energy assistance and programs to help them use less energy, save money, and live in healthier homes. We also checked out an all-electric car, made chocolate fondue on an induction cooktop (so much better than gas!)—plus, enjoyed music, food, face-painting, and hula dancing! Who said engaging neighbors on energy issues is not a wildly good time?
Hunger Doesn’t Take A Holiday While Thanksgiving food drives and give-aways provide food for a single day, heartbreaking levels of food insecurity persist all year round. Please consider volunteering or donating to support ongoing efforts to ensure no one in our community goes hungry.
Stay in Touch Need help with a state issue? Please contact my office at lorig.charkoudian@house.state.md.us or leave us a message at (410)-841-3423.