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Relentless Forward Progress

Dear Friends,

It has been devastating and dizzying to process the hard reality and harsh consequences of President Trump’s executive orders this week.  As an elected official, I promise to work even harder in Annapolis to protect our communities and keep Maryland moving forward.

Keeping Electricity Affordable and Reliable

Last week the Economic Matters Committee, on which I serve, received a briefing on “Energy Resource Adequacy” from PJM—the regional transmission organization that oversees the electric grid in Maryland, DC, and 13 other states.  You can view the entire 90-minute briefing here.

If you have followed my work over the past six years, you know I have organized colleagues from across the region to engage with PJM (and with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which regulates PJM) to push for reform of their many structures and processes that slow down the clean energy transition and make rates higher than they should be.

I will always push hard to protect residents from unnecessary rate hikes and unconscionable profiteering, as you can see in this two-minute clip from the briefing:

I will also continue to push hard for solutions to meet our need for more energy.  Backed by a broad coalition of stakeholders, I have introduced theAbundant, Affordable Clean Energy Act(HB 398/SB 316).  It lays out a variety of environmentally responsible ways to address both our short- and long-term needs for a reliable supply of affordable electricity.

Making PJM More Accountable

As briefly alluded to in the video clip, this Thursday, January 23rd, the Economic Matters Committee will hold another hearing.  One topic will be my bill to improve the state’s oversight of PJM’s decision-making processes and how to hold PJM more accountable to key stakeholders—especially ratepayers. You can watch it online via the Maryland General Assembly’s website.

Come to Annapolis!

Interested in seeing the *room where it happens* in Annapolis?  Every year my fellow District 20 legislators and I sponsor a “District Night” when residents come to the State House.  Hear updates from us! Ask us questions!  If you need it, transportation can be arranged.  Save the date of Monday, February 17th, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.  More details to come.

Previews of (Some of) My Legislation

Over the next few weeks, legislators will hold many more hearings to consider proposed bills, including.

•     Unemployment Insurance:  It is way past time for the rules governing Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) program to be updated.  UI provides crucial income when someone loses their job.  Yet, we are still using benefit rates set 15 years ago that simply haven’t kept up with prices.  The UI trust fund also needs to be better funded to ensure its continued solvency.

•    Farm-to-School Procurement:  Maryland’s farmers, fishers, and food producers can supply fresh, healthy, delicious foods to our schools, but are often hampered by burdensome procurement policies.  My bill would streamline the process.

•    Food Forests: Our state lands—both cultivated and wild—can and do provide bountiful amounts of food. Planting more nut trees and berries, for example, creates a more vibrant ecosystem and can help feed people.  I have proposed creating more food forests and issuing permits, similar to hunting licenses, to allow people to forage on these state lands.

Transit Caucus

I am deeply honored to have been chosen to be a Co-Chair of the Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus.  We work to achieve more reliable and sustainable transportation options for Marylanders.

Ranked Choice Voting

I am a co-sponsor of a bill to adopt ranked choice voting here in Maryland.  On January 23rd (1/23), advocates will be holding rallies across the state—including in Rockville and Hyattsville—to demonstrate how it works. Learn more here.

Looking Out For Neighbors

If you are a victim or witness to any ICE encounter, call the CASA Raid Hotline: 1-888-214-6016 for help. It is live and available 24/7.

Stay in Touch: Need help with a state issue? Please contact my office at or leave us a message at (410)-841-3423.




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