Dear Friend:
Last week the Maryland General Assembly met in Special Session to approve a new Congressional map, elect a new State Treasurer, and override many of Governor Hogan’s vetoes. I am also gearing up for the 2022 General Assembly Session, which starts January 12th! New Congressional Map: Every ten years congressional districts are redrawn to reflect the results of the most recent census, and the legislature is required to vote on new Congressional maps to reflect the changes. New legislative maps for state offices, including my own District 20, will be voted on in the first few weeks of the 2022 legislative session.
State Treasurer: Congratulations to Dereck Davis who we elected to serve as the next Maryland State Treasurer. He has chaired the Economic Matters Committee, of which I am a member, and brings a wealth of experience to the position. I want to thank outgoing Treasurer Nancy Kopp for her extraordinary service first as a Delegate beginning in 1975 and then as Treasurer since 2002.

Lorig and Dereck Davis, the newly elected Maryland State Treasurer.
Key Veto Overrides: For me, each override provided a case study of why Governor Hogan and his policies are out of step with the majority of Marylanders. I am pleased my colleagues and I voted for laws that ensure:
immigrants are treated with dignity;
workers’ rights and benefits are protected;
prisoners’ parole decisions are rooted in justice rather than politics;
clean energy innovation is supported here in Maryland;
a safe and dependable transit system is sufficiently funded; and
funds are available to assist businesses impacted by Purple Line construction.
2022 General Assembly: State legislators from Montgomery County have begun to hold hearings on local bills to be considered when the General Assembly convenes for our 2022 session. You can watch the hearings here.
I have authored a bill to make Business Improvement Districts more democratic and representative of the diversity of businesses within these districts and its hearing was on Wednesday, December 15th.
Canvassing: Join me on Saturday, January 8th, from noon to 2:00 p.m. as we canvass voters in the White Oak area. It’s a great way to meet with voters, learn what is on their minds, share resources that may help them, and to get my campaign message out into our diverse community. We will provide training and support (and snacks!).
As always, if you or anyone you know needs assistance, please contact my office at You can also leave a message at (410)-841-3423; although please note my office will not be staffed five days per week until the next Session.
Lorig Charkoudian